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Know Your Kit: Call for Fire


Verse: “praying at all times with all prayer and petition in the Spirit, and to this end, being on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Our second offense weapon is prayer. God has given us communication directly to Him by his word and through prayer. We can call on Him whenever we need it through Prayer and petition. We can go directly into the throne room of God by our prayers and not fear that he will not answer or care. He loves us and therefore we can reach out to Him.

When I was moved from being a Recon Team SAW (squad automatic weapon) gunner to RTO (Radio Telephone Operator, Radioman) I remember the speech that was given to me. All of us RTOs were in a radio class held by the senior RTO and the commander gave us a quick speech to start things off. He asked us all that the most casualty-producing weapon in the Infantry platoon was. We all rattled off with the 240B Machine Gun, Gustaf, Mortars if attached but he said no to all these answers. Finally, we all gave up and he told us, the radio.

Though this may seem silly that the radio is the most important weapon, it is the truth. With that radio you can report on the enemy, call in reinforcements and to his point, call for fire.

Call for fire is when the FO (Forward Observer) or RTO calls over the radio for artillery support. When the platoon or squad is in contact the call for fire is sent up and the support comes. This is what makes our rifle platoons so effective. When we are in trouble we immediately send this up so that we can beat back the enemy with booming force.

In spiritual warfare, prayer is our call for fire. We have a direct line with the creator of the universe and can call to him in our time of need. This is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare because we can talk directly to the one who knows all things. He knows what we are going through and wants us to reach out to Him. What a blessing!

When we are facing temptation or about to enter a conversation about the truth of God’s word we can pray to Him to give us courage. We can pray that He would provide us a way of escape from that temptation. Or that in a difficult conversation that He would give us the right words to say through His spirit in us. No matter what the circumstance, we can “come up on the net” and petition God for what we need.

With this promise, we cannot get the false assumption that God will just give us what we want. We need to pray in accordance with His will. Sometimes the trial we are going through is what God has sent our way to teach us to be more like Him and strengthen our faith. We need to pray that His will will be done in the circumstances and that He will guide us through. Even in times of hardship, what a blessing to know that God is in control and that we can reach out to Him.

When you are in the midst of a situation no matter good or bad, remember to reach out to God. Pray for the courage to face whatever you are going through and that the Spirit will give you strength. We have a direct line to the creator of the universe, let's use it.

Written by,

John Cooper Jr.

Godly Grunt 6

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