Verse: And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them, and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Revelation 20:9-10
We battle Satan and his schemes daily. It is a constant flow of temptation to fall into our sinfulness. Satan and his world system want us so preoccupied with our sinfulness that we sometimes feel like there is no hope. When it is just a click away on our phones to dive ourselves into lust by way of pornography or covetousness in social media it feels like we have no other choice.
But there is hope. The first glimmer of hope is that one day you will die. This doesn’t sound very encouraging, but it is truly a great thought. There will be a day that you will die and pass onto eternal life in heaven with God. When we are there, there will be no more sin and we can live in perfect communion with God. We will no longer disappoint our Lord by falling to the will of our flesh because we will no longer have it.
The second encouragement is that we know we win. Satan cannot and will not defeat our Lord. The book of Revelation tells us the story of the end times. It shows us what God revealed to John to give to us in the scriptures. There is much debate on how exactly these events unfold, have some already unfolded, how much is a metaphor, and so on. But what no one debates are that God defeats Satan and the evil in this world.
Though it may seem like Satan is winning in this world around us we know that in the end, he loses. And it only makes sense, the all-powerful God would not lose to someone who cannot compare. Again, as we have said before, it seems like we buy into this belief that Satan is somehow as powerful or only a little weaker than God. But this is simply not true. He is more powerful than us, but not the Spirit inside of us.
When we see our world and the way it follows Satan and his schemes, we need to remember that Christ is King and will throw Satan into the lake of fire and death will be no more. When Christ returns, he will crush Satan and cleanse the earth of the curse. He has paid the price for our sin, but he is waiting till the appointed time to return.
This should not only encourage us but should give us a sense of purpose. There are people in this world that are going to hell. Friends, family, co-workers, and others all around us do not know Christ and have not surrendered their lives to him. This ought to give us a sense of urgency to share the Gospel with them and call them to repent of their sins. We do not know who God is calling through the spirit, so it is our duty to spread the good news of Christ's death and resurrection for our sins.
When you are discouraged know that Satan is a defeated foe, it is just a matter of time. He knows this too and is trying to drag as many people as possible with him to share in his fate. We have only a limited time to share the gospel and call people to repentance. Satan and his world system will do everything to thwart our efforts, so we need to fight and fight hard. You do not know when Christ will return or when you will die, so fight as hard as you can starting to know to bring as many to Christ as you can.
Written By,
John Cooper Jr.
Godly Grunt 6