Verse: Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
When I became a sniper, I was introduced to the art of stalking. Now stalking is a very negative word nowadays due to the fact that men and women stalk each other on the internet to see what they are doing, but physical stalking is a very hard art to master, but amazing when done correctly.
I remember stalking a patrol in training and waiting till they set up in their patrol base. My buddy and I followed them, and we snuck up to a machine gun position only moving when the wind blew so they wouldn’t hear us. Once we were basically in the ranger grave with the guy, we turned on our lights and started firing. The soldiers there were so tired that they let us slide right in and take out have the platoon with just two guys.
That is the way lions, and a lot of predators operate. They stalk around the tall grass or jungle and find the weakest prey to attack. They do not normally attack a strong opponent but will sit and wait for when his guard is down, or a weaker one comes. This is true in combat as well as the enemy is less likely to strike a “hard target”, meaning guys who present themselves as ready.
This is how Satan operates. He is prowling around the tall grass looking for a target who is weak and will fall. He doesn’t expose himself until he has caught you in an ambush and is ready to pounce. Even against a hard target, he may attack, but he knows it will be a bigger fight.
We need to always be “scanning our sector of fire” and “improving our security” knowing that the enemy may be in the wood line, camouflaged and waiting. We need to be watchful as it is when we let our guard down that we will fall into the trap of the evil one. It is when we are not constantly improving our fighting position that the devil will sneak in and start to cause havoc from within. We need to always be watchful and vigilant.
In the account of Genesis 3 we see in verse one that “Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.” Satan is crafty and will deceive and distract us so that way he can move closer and closer into our lives. He will test our security to see where it is weakest and attack through that avenue. We need to know how he works as an angel of light so that we can expose him when he comes. We need to always be ready for his attack with an answer.
Know that evil lurks in the shadows. Be sober and vigilant for his attack as you may never see it coming. Be ready for that attack by always improving your security and fighting position. Steeping yourself in prayer, supplication, and the scripture so that you are ready and can beat his attack back.
Written By,
John Cooper Jr.
Godly Grunt 6