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Know Your Kit: Breastplate of Righteousness


Verse: Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness. Ephesians 6:14

Live fires are something that you train often in the combat arms world. I can remember before every live fire the platoon sergeant or a squad leader would line us all up and go around punching our plate carriers or IOTVs in the chest area to ensure we all had our Kevlar plates in the vest.

Why wouldn’t someone wear their plates when live rounds are shooting all-around them? That’s because they are uncomfortable and make everything heavier. Take the amount you sweat and add 25% to that, not to mention your back killing you. So, soldiers, even though they know the risk will try to take them out. These plates can and have saved many lives.

The plates and their carriers whether that be an IBA, IOTV, or plate carrier are the modern versions of the Breastplate. The concept has been the same since the first soldiers crafted it and put it on, protect the vitals. Your vital organs are all gathered in one spot, which is one of the reasons we are trained to shoot center mass on targets not at the head all the time.

In spiritual warfare, the enemy will also go for the vitals hoping for the damaging shot. That is why it is important to protect it with righteousness. I do not believe this is the imparted righteousness that justifies us before God, that doesn’t make much sense in the context. But Rather imputed Righteousness, which is daily righteous living.

When Paul was being accused of being a false teacher he appeals to his own righteous life and the fact that he knows he has not sinned as a defense against them (look up reference). It was his righteous life that was able to give him a defense. What protects our vitals of faith is righteous living. Walking step by step in Godliness so that we may not give the devil an opportunity.

If you want to thrust into this world of darkness for the light, you need to protect your vitals. You need to fasten the Breastplate of Righteousness by living a righteous life before God so that the devil does not have an opportunity to strike you in the vitals while doing the Lord’s work. Get serious with your faith and live righteously so that you can effectively stand firm and fight.

Written By,

John Cooper

Godly Grunts 6

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