Verse: Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Matthew 28:16-18
We serve a triune God, which means that there are three persons who are equally one God. This is impossible to understand by human reason, but that our God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Son is who Christ is in the Godhead and He is our King.
In this verse, in Matthew, the death and resurrection of Christ are already complete. He has returned to His disciples and shown them that he alone is powerful over death, and they start to understand the purpose of His coming and the Kingdom of God in a spiritual sense. Here in the last verses of Matthew’s Gospel, we see that Christ is about to ascend into heaven. Before He does, he reassures His disciples that all authority has been given to Him, and then He sends them out.
Jesus has authority over everything, and we have no need to fear because He is in control. Even when Christ was brought before Pilot, He reassured him that he did not have power over Christ, but that he was given this power. Imagine having the God of the universe put you in check.
Everything is in the providence and sovereign control of our Lord. There are many times that we do not understand why we are going through certain things or what God is doing in our lives, but we need to have faith that the Lord is in control and that “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Though we may not see the good in it right away, we may see why God brought us through the trail in the future and understand it then. Or we may never know till glory, but we can have faith understanding that He would not put us through something unless there was a purpose.
Knowing that Christ has power and authority over everything allows us to go into this world without fear. This is where we can say with confidence and conviction, “I serve God over man”. When we are faced with the choice to violate the commands of God, we know that Christ has the ultimate authority, not man. Therefore, you can follow Christ over man with confidence, even if you face hardship because of it. Christ has ultimate authority.
Christ has delegated authority on this earth for the family, government, church, workplace, and over self. Though these are authorities, we must know and recognize all authority comes from and matches up with Christ. He is the one who reigns supreme. He has authority over everything in the spiritual realm (spiritual battles, angels, Satan, miracles) and over the physical realm (sickness, governments, trials). Knowing that He reigns should give us the confidence in going forward, serving him in whatever capacity that is.
Written By,
John Cooper Jr.
The Godly Grunt 6